Monday 12 February 2018

Clear Health Technologies

There is a scientific and market revolution in biosensors, embedded technology, wearables, and the use of neuroscience-based gaming. Our goal is to harness this innovation to prevent relapse. CLEAR seeks to establish a holistic end-to-end treatment approach that caters to the needs of each patient, rather than the current approach, which groups together large populations of addicts under unproven and under-researched programs. Addicts that complete or leave these programs are often left to their own devices upon return to the real world.

Healing Addiction

Say 'no' to beauty standards and the mistreating of women.

This video is all about beauty standards and the expectations in which women in the media face every day. This is also being pushed on young people in today's society due to the rise of web 2.0 and new digital technologies. Women also face abuse within the media industry and therefore there must be more awareness of this. Thank you for watching.

